In case you missed Obama's acceptance speech, here it is. I can't think of a more Presidential and tear-inducing speech since I've been cognizant of politics.
As for election night coverage, I didn't get to see any of it until Obama's acceptance speech. On Election Day, I was working at Starbucks, dolling out free coffees to eager voters. Though I didn't get to see what the political talking heads had to say, I did get to hear all about the exit polls, what states had already been called, and voters' experiences first hand. Usually, people are friendly, but on Tuesday it was the most polarized crowd I have ever dealt with. McCain supporters were looking gloomy but were willing to stop and tell me about how an Obama presidency would be the "end of the Western world," or "one step closer to socialism." Politely nodding, I kept my mouth shut. Many Obama supporters were equally nervous said a McCain presidency would be "more of the same old shit," or "proof of racism in America."
When CNN called the election, I was still at Starbucks cleaning up after the busiest day I had ever worked. I got a call from my boyfriend who knew I was at work, and knew that I was nervous about the results. I got verklempt all by myself (two other people were working: a McCain supporter and someone who's completely apathetic) and felt proud.
Truly, this election is a seminal moment in our nation's history. I've never seen more people of all stripes interested in politics.
But, now what? Obama will have to face one of the most scrutinized presidencies in history. In many people's eyes, he's a savior. Can he live up to these high expectations or will the media pounce on every misspoken word, policy decision, and speech?
People are inspired. Politics have never been this lively in my lifetime, but will this elation/depression stay? What happens next?
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