This is one of the most puzzling articles I've ever seen from a publication as reputable as Newsweek. I understand that newspapers and magazines should stock their pages with all the news that's fit to print, but this just seems incendiary and a bit strange. For people religious enough to believe in a physical Antichrist, the article reaffirms their points, and for those who think that's a bit (or exceedingly) wacky, it comes off as entirely too serious. I would have like to read an article that outlined how Millennialist or Evangelical Christians feel about Obama's win. However, Miller didn't write with that sort of finesse. For example,
The people who believe Obama is the Antichrist are perhaps jumping to conclusions, but they're not nuts: "They are expressing a concern and a fear that is widely shared," Staver says.
They're not nuts? Well, "nuts" is a little strong, but couldn't Miller have written that entire thought in the voice of Staver? Her article strikes me as rather tactless but I can't tell if my reading of the article is marred because of the horrible title.
Certianly, the Rapture has been big business lately. With the advent (get it?) and popularity of books that discuss Evangelical themes, such as the Left Behind series, more and more Americans are discussing Rapturous happenings unabashedly, and, more importantly unironically.
Evidently, the authors of the Left Behind series do not think that Obama is the Antichrist, so that's one point for sanity.
ETA: Whenever I hear about the Apocalypse, I always think of Durer.

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