Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh Sarah Palin - How have you convinced people that you're even slightly liberal?

Sarah Palin has been, by far, the most covered player in this election since McCain's announcement last week. Several writers for The New Yorker have been downright incisive when talking about her politics:

"Governor Palin ticks every box on the checklist of the social right. She opposes abortion rights, even for women and girls made pregnant by rape or incest. She thinks that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in public schools. She does not believe that global warming is caused by human activity. She supports public funding for homeschooling. She is against stem-cell research. She opposes 'explicit' sex education and supports the abstinence-only kind, though she is surely aware of its indifferent record of success.

With the selection of Sarah Palin, McCain completes the job of defusing the enmity (and forgoing the honor) he earned in 2000, when he condemned Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as 'agents of intolerance.'"

Despite her staunchly conservative political views, numerous people (the vast majority of them women) have been quoted saying that she's "down home" and "accessible". For instance, Lizzie Widdicombe from The New Yorker printed this quote:

"Alice Rekeweg, a fiftyish Texas delegate who was passing out scarves printed with the Ninety-first Psalm, said that she had been surprised by Palin’s selection. 'But I really like her,' she said. 'She drives a motorcycle, and so do I.'"

Preliminary Palin-mania is reminiscent of the 2004 election when voters were famously quoted as saying that they supported George W. Bush because they could see themselves having a beer with him.

A beer and a motorcycle does not a president make.

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