Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best campaign junkie site I've found thus far

Slate is a wonderful source of campaign news and this compilation of videos, maps, and articles is very interesting and very valuable.

The more I watch these videos and read these articles the more riled up I become. Palin's accusation that Obama voted "present" is ridiculous, but it lends itself to another conservative sound byte. To the regular American, a vote of present probably sounds like Obama can't make up his mind or isn't involved. However, these myths are easily dispelled with a little research, courtesy of Barack Obama. Though this article was written 8 months ago (and the quote is from 4.5 years ago), it still works for Palin's accusation:

"Anyone Who Thinks A Present Vote Is A "Duck" Doesn't Understand How the Process Works. "There is a presumption, if one is not familiar with the mechanics of the General Assembly, that a present vote is a "duck." Pam Sutherland, the CEO and President of Illinois Planned Parenthood said of [this] Hull argument: "I think it's not well-based…I think it's somebody who doesn't understand how the legislative process works." [Chicago Daily Herald, 3/10/04]"

As time goes on, I'm wondering if there's a very low bottom to the depths of Sarah Palin's ignorance of the political process. Luckily, the availability of content on the internet might encourage voters to look into these matters for themselves, hopefully with less biased news sources. The map the campaign website is a good tool for this. You can watch the candidates, research what you're interested in, and see how positions change over time, and, when you watch several in secession, you can see an extended conversation between the candidates about the issues.

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